Thursday, October 19, 2006

Ahhhhh The smell of SEWER GAS in the morning

Well I am venting have been meaning to blog about stuff but too busy now insomnia urges me forward. The house flooded yesterday what fun I thank God Kara was with me or I am pretty sure the men with the exciting long armed white jackets would have come for a visit.

The first time this house flooded was the night I moved in. The sewer baked up and the hot water heater broke. I didn’t even have a mop and only had the cloths on my back and a towel and pj’s from Mega-Mart. Actually it was putting the cloths on my back in the washing machine that started the flood. Someone from mom’s church had left me sheets and a blanket on the rented bed so I used the blanket to clean up the best I could. I remember crying hard trying to figure out how to deal with the water how to prevent mold growth and air out the house at midnight (and no one to call and help due to the late hour) in February and in the aftermath of a huge blizzard with nothing but a broom and rental furniture in the house.

This neighborhood is notorious for cheaply made houses and we are a plumbers dream come true ~ old farm land near a creak and on a rock and sand bed depending on which side of the street you live on. Yesterdays flood by far the worse then the other three times at this house. The other two were cleaned up with minimal effort and a handy dandy electric snake borrowed from an old friend.

Although there was less water this time then at mom’s house when it flooded ~ the sewer gas was new. The smell was unbelievable the water backed up through a drain pipe in the laundry room and into the back shower. The seepage went behind all the appliances through the walls and into the garage. We moped and bleached the best we could but the next couple of days will be fun. Everything (all our losses) must be removed from the garage and the water damage must be cleaned up.

Ginger borrowed the eclectic snake again (and a manual one) but after hours of working on it with the snakes and chemicals we couldn’t get the clog loose. We just didn’t have the upper body strength even with the electric on and kept hitting a Y pipe. The landlord said he would try to get someone out if he could but they never called me back.

~ humm how much clearer can you be to the enormity of the situation when you tell them toxic sewer gas and water is flooding your house and we cant get it under control and we need help! Now I battle thoughts that our rent will go up if the clean up is extensive and he does send someone out. He needs to see it anyway the damages are pretty bad I think the linoleum and drywall needs to be replaced lord knows it has needed it since we moved in now it is just worse pealing up and with water underneath it.

I coughed a lot Kara and I had to keep going outside to breath I still feel tightness in my chest this morning and have a light burning sensation in my lungs. The pulmonologist is gonna LOVE this! My lips tong and nose still tingle but its better then the burning sensation yesterday! I am betting we should not be here but the budget does not include a hotel stay and we don’t have renters insurance.

Unfortunately that means all the documentation must continue on the losses I gave up with the soaring heat this summer. Thankfully the water in the garage is under our refrigerator and freezer and a utility shelf. The water traveled away from our losses and out the path through the front of the garage.

We had mom stay at the Sr citizens until it closed and my Dr said we should not be in the house when I went for tests results on a cat scan of my sinuses etc. So we tried to talk mom into going to the library after a little picnic outside but she bailed. The sewer gas smell had subsided by that time but the smell still lingered a little bit mixed with an overwhelming chemical smell that made my face burn.

I was going to give in to the hotel especially since we can’t use the plumbing I thought I would use all the money had had saved up for our gas bill so far but I realized even with Kara’s help we could not lift the oxygen machine for mom. So we put a sheet over mom’s door (the door was removed for her wheelchair) made her put on her oxygen and stay out of the main part of the house we cant flush the toilets or use water so this really sux!

If we can’t get this cleaned up in the next 72 hours we have to move out due to the mold which could be life threatening for both of us. Even if we do get it cleaned I am sure extensive reconstruction will need to be done. I am at my wits end tired angry and emotionally exhausted.

Although I realize it could be worse I am tired of being displaced for our home and property for the last 5 years and wish we had never heard of CDBG for rehabbing houses for the handicapped! It’s hard not to think if we were home at least…… it may not have been much by today’s standards but it was ours. I suppose I should say it still IS ours its just not usable for now I pray we are not doomed to the same fate here!

The courts are slow no ruling yet I pray we here good news soon I just want to move on out of the season of never ending losses and frustration. we will just have to learn a few more life lessons…..


Ann said...

how are you and your mom right now?


Ann said...

You do know the same thing happened to my parents- HORRIBLE HORRIBLE sewer smell- and we had to get my dad out of the house for a while...basement a total loss but Dan is rehabbing it all. Let me know how things are now. I will try to help out.

vir said...

Thank you, Thanks for praying too!

I am still coughing a lot but I have been for about 6-8 months it just seems to get worse.

Mom woke up with a bloody nose yesterday and we both have burning in our face tong lips nose area.

I have a burning in my chest too but I was exposed to the sewer gas at its worst.

We finely got the clog out with the help of Ginger's husband yesterday the whole house was backed up there could be other issues we are not aware of.

On further inspection I don't think the drywall needs to be replaced but I just don't know drywall is a sponge (so is wood) so if it looks like on inch of damage it could be 6 8 or 10?

The linoleum was messed up when we moved in so was the carpet it ravels really bad.

We have been praying and trying to figure out a way to fix this place up to bless our generous landlord and to improve our environment around here.

it's pretty drab and the carpet and linoleum are not wheelchair friendly. But we cant afford to live here anyway so it seems silly to dream about fixing up our living area.

Sewer water went under the cuts and warped areas of the linoleum so we have nasty stuff under part or all of it and evidence of previous damage before we moved in too....

The smell is getting better but now any missed spots in clean up (and there are a few) could breed molds.

I am tiered frustrated and at my wits end. this has been a nightmare and i am weary.

I am even tiered of praying not loosing hope I don't think just tiered of waiting for everything to be some what normal. looking back to the past too much when i need to look forward.....

I have a cat scan Tues and Bronchoscopy & biopsy (maybe) on oct 31 have two growths in my nose that are not cancerous at this point no need for surgery but I need more info the Dr does not believe my sinuses are the reason for the cough.

I could use prayer for this my chest is really sore and I am a little tierd of being the center of attention :)

thank you for praying if your offer is still open we need that too...

love you,


Ann said...

Will come down sometime this week. I was sick myself this weekend- nothing major, just sinus problem. I ran a bit of a fever for about a day and a half. Started at work. Saturday morning I went for my first mammogram ever plus a sonogram so I can have the ablation plus tubal ligation. :) wee hee! I finally decided I need it. Tired of being anemic. And everything else. They are only about 25 days apart now and I just don't have enough blood to function. Doc is the same one who delivered Micah. Anywho, I was scared about the mammogram after all I had heard about squashed boobs, but no pain at all. It was no big deal! What a relief. I'm a big baby. I was doing these things WHILE I had the sinus problem and I thought about going to the ER but was feeling better so instead I stopped at Izzy's for a latke and pea soup. :)

Stayed in bed mostly Sat. and Sunday rested and watched the Bengals with everyone.

Micah had a UTI a few days ago-not normal for boys- had to go to the ER and Dr. and have medication. He's fine now. Bounced right back. Quite a fluke that it happened. Strange for boys' plumbing. I was worried about the kidneys. He was in a lot of pain in the kidneys and his antibiotics really took care of it. My kids have been healthy forever but you know me, I'm a mom, I worry about these things.

I will have my first operation ever that isn't kid-related....will only be out 2-3 days...common procedure. I've talked to other people who have had it and they are really happy they did. I waited until now because I wasn't 100% sure until now that I didn't want to have more babies. But you know how bad it is for me and I'm sure this is the right thing for me.

God bless and cu soon,

Anonymous said...

I am praying girl.... keep me posted on everything! I am supposed to have surgery next Friday, Nov. 3rd at 8 AM. Going in for a blood test today =( and again next Tues. before surgery! Yucky! Gotta scoot for now!

Love ya,

EM :-) <><

Anonymous said...

Huggles. i hope everything is going better. -amanda

vir said...


wow you have been a busy girl and let me just say I am totally jealous that your mamo didn't hurt! they squish me like a pancake! Thankfully now they do the mamo digitally since I have never had kids and a traditional mamo is absolute torture as they repeat the tests over and over to get one decent image.

I know the not having kids again thing is difficult for you but you have two beautiful sons you should tell them I called them beautiful just to wig them out lol! E mail me with time of procedure so we can pray for you. BTW I hope you have recovered from the infection!

UTI wow give that boy some cranberry juice and make him drink it every day or at least several days a week!

It would be great to see you give me a call and see if I am around only things I have planned is cleaning and sorting in the garage if it is not to damp and cold out.



vir said...


We are praying also asked my HC to pray too.

keep us up to date we are believing for total healing and restoration of your body without complications!

Let me know if you do a prayer night and I will try to get there.....

Luv ~


vir said...


hey have I told you lately I stinkin miss you! this would be a subtle hint as apposed to the little e mails I have sent.

Call come visit kidnap Kara and rescue her for a day of fun in Columbus if I can play with you at least Kara could!

Luv ~
