Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Fell off the wagon…

Ok, I fell off the food wagon. For over a week I have forced myself to eat every three hours following the Jorge cruise thing forcing myself to consume massive amounts of food in an attempt to restore my body to a healthy metabolism function. i dont even know if it is really working but nothing else does so it is worth a try.

This morning I saw the soap was ready way ahead of schedule so I took it out of the mold and it crumbled totally falling apart. I am avoiding the other 7 batches fearful my scale was off or that the air conditioner that is totally wacky caused the soap to fail the air conditioner was set on 80 and it was only 68 deg in the house and still running!

so what do I do, well I start making laundry soap as I am the worlds worst rebatcher and I cry and cry and crawl back into bed exhausted and 5.5 hours go by and I forget to eat my snack and lunch on time. ugggggggggggggggggg it is so frustrating most people would eat under stress not me I have to forget!

I was so proud of everyone who helped make it, the soap looks beautiful so thankful for the help hopeful at redeeming a glimpse of vision for my life and thankful of the support of it. Now I am to darn scared to go look at it afraid it will all be ruined.. I have to face the music so when I stop bitching to this blog its off to the kitchen I pray it can be redeemed….


Ann said...

Unfortunately, when I fall off the food wagon I fall splat into the food. Been doing well lately, though!

vir said...

Maybe you should fall into eating every three hours it appears to be working! hope you are well call me when you are in town so we can hang out k?

I am going camping tonight an hour a way from the responsibilities of life yeah.... so exiting! :)