Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Exhaustion sux

I am too tiered for words the past two weeks feel like a year so much has happened I barely know how to connect my thoughts. What started off as a high stress week gently melted into a more serine existence sleeping every chance I could to recuperate from the chaos. Surprise a friend last Friday night at The Grill over good food with a hot Texan who flew in for the event. It was fun, he freaked out, over all a wickedly successful caper to be proud of, He will never forget 25 :)

Sat morning brought promise of more independence for my friend only to end with an all-nighter due to a high fever, spent all day Sunday at the ER on my last leg - heart breaking to see her struggle. A friend rescued me with a late dinner and a long walk through campus, the dark path of Bishop Woods were filled with sounds of cicadas - good medicine for the soul, burned up a little frustration that helped keep my body from total atrophy. Ended with a relaxing wade through the fountains and pleasant conversation, the only "rule" playful topics only NO STRESS TALK ALLOWED! :) I know it has been said, but it doesn't hurt to continue to remind myself, I am blessed with the best friends anyone could possibly have:)

Recuperated all day Monday little productivity, fatigue and pain still taking their toll, went to the hospital yesterday only to be surprised at my friends release, surgery will fallow in a week or so. My concern over this release weighed heavy on my heart in the end the truth was revealed, she had asked to go home, a premature decision which she admitted only after returning home suffering from an excruciatingly painful car ride.

Rescued again last night for a couple hours of play ran into a few friends celebrating yet another birthday good conversation and silliness lightened my load but it wasn't my wisest decision based on my current physical battles. Up early this morning running errands now thankful to be home. I will be climbing into a hot bath with lavender soon, looking forward to spiritual reflection and relaxation before a friend brings over lunch and good conversation, another blessing to be thankful for. Praying for motivation and energy to get in a few hrs of work today and hopefully an hr nap, God please help me recuperate soon...

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