Thursday, May 13, 2004

Pick Lines

Never thought I would have to learn how to set up a feeding tub “TPN” I don’t even know what that stands for yet... The nurses have been great but two tutorials seem barley enough. We are now on our own, trying to hold on to faith, faith that she will survive and faith that we can do the job. I pray I wont crumble under the pressure life has brought forth. So much pain so much suffering faith sustains me and fills me with my Fathers love, breaking forth light in the deep.


Ann said...

I'm a little confused, is it your mom? (I assume you mean feeding tube, not feeding tub...the feeding tub is what IIIII need to stay away from!) Your mom's getting a feeding tube? Or your friend that was smoking? Please let me know. I'll check my e-mail.

Ann said...

I'm a little confused, is it your mom? (I assume you mean feeding tube, not feeding tub...the feeding tub is what IIIII need to stay away from!) Your mom's getting a feeding tube? Or your friend that was smoking? Please let me know. I'll check my e-mail.

Ann said...

Darn, the comment I just wrote didn't "take". Anyway, is this your mom who needs the tube? What's going on? God bless ya. Doris is a special, godly lady.

Ann said...
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Anonymous said...


You are not alone in your concern I have received several e mails asking about my mother,she is fine :) read my newest post sorry for the confusion. I have been writing out of frustration and have not been editing my posts - think I need to get busy and do that soon as well as a dozen other things on my to do list :)

Love & Blessings,
