Thursday, August 11, 2005

Angels Hiding in the Midst

Paula saved the day by clearing the jungle, nice to walk in the yard barefoot and not trip! We had such a nice time praying lunch and tons of needed encouragement. We were joined by Kara who continued to pray with us throughout the day and “held my hand” while I made calls. Breaking into tears so easily it was hard to do anything, if it were not for Paula and Kara I would have laid in bed and not bothered with anything anymore.

The law firm that has been putting off talking with me, the one that and I quote said “I promise you this if we cant take your case I will find someone who will”. Finely said “no” “our firm to small would not have time for any case but you’re if we took it” bla bla bla ok, not my best attitude, after six week of reviewing the case he did give me two names and Kara gave me a name so I have calls into everyone and a conference call set for tomorrow at 3:30. I pray we find someone quickly. I really wish people would not make promises they can’t keep especially lawyers. Only four biz days left…..

During this time I received a three way call from two wonderful ladies who lifted my spirit and placed truth in my heart. Admonishing me to play and rest and give it over to God because if he wants us to find legal counsel it will happen. Their prayers went deep, I find myself in awe of the people in my life and the love and support they poor out to my mother and I…..

About the time I was getting ready to lie down to rest Ginger (my moms home care worker) said we have company and to go out side. I should point out that Ginger had a huge smile on her face and her eyes are bugging out! :) I proceed outside in my scruffy cloths not showered and with my hair up in a pony tail to find Kimmy leaning over my car with a camera, with a huge grin on her face – a conspiracy a foot!

Kara and Christy come from hiding behind my car with huge smiles pushing a brand new top of the line Troy Built, Self Propelled, Candy Apple Red, Mulching Lawnmower covered with ribbons!

Well hey, I did what I do best lately and burst into tears mixed with much laughter while screaming Kim don’t you dare take a picture of me looking like hell! Christy stood oh so shyly and cute while giggling as only she can, to know my sweet friend Christy is to fall in love with adorable almost instantly!

Bearing hugs and a card signed by some of my fav Veritasian peeps they explained the conspiracy that was withheld from me to my amazement for a couple of weeks - I can figure most conspiracies out quicker then a snap. We were in shock to say the least; mom joined us as we were walked through the finer features of the new mower by Kara whose uncle works for the manufacturer and was in on the plot.

Kara’s uncle and a friend from work used their employee discounts that they receive only one day of the year to buy the mower at a huge savings. Two men we have never met reached out to us and blessed us – words, they just don’t cut it most of the time!

Over the summer our friends and our neighbors have offered to help cut the grass knowing our situation but we didn’t have a mower so a jungle was born, we never imagined such a sweet and generous gift.

When things are going so horribly wrong God sends angles baring gifts and encouragement, it’s His way of showering us with kisses and giving us hope. Our Bridegroom wants nothing more then to lavish us with His love especially when we get caught up in lies and forget His promises.

I know I’m sappy get over it hehehe.

After practically being dragged to the shower and yelled at, I decided to pull myself together and go to Ladies night out at Kona, which until last night was my all time fav restaurant but the took all my favorite things off their menu! So, so sad am I….;( Anyway was good to catch up with everyone and it did help me to lighten up a bit.

One more sappy thing k – no matter what anyone says I know with all my heart I have been blessed with better friends then thousands could have in ten lifetimes…. I love you guys so much - just when I wanted to crawl in a hole and thought I was all alone you reminded me (us!) that we are not!

I do have one concern my mother being a bit adventurous and hum how I should put this discreetly HELL ON WHEELS hehehe. May get crazy thoughts in her head that since the mower in self propelled and she can hot rod the chair behind it…… God help us!

Now I’m off to steal the film or memory card from Kim and if I can’t find the evidence I will be forced to inflict mortal harm….. ;)


Kara said...

We are all so blessed by our friendships with you! We love you!

Anonymous said...

Yay Vir that Paula and other friends were there to help out... I feel so so bad that I have not been up there, I feel like I haven't even helped, but I do want to. Paula mentioned helping out at the end of August sometime, and I would love to do that. I am not trying to neglect you and I do want to get together with you. I love you dearly and I am so thankful that you have wonderful fiends in O-Town that have been helping out. I am not sure what more to say, but I am praying for you... I feel at a loss for words, and I don't want to trivialize the matter or I don't know but just well you know my heart girl... I am praying and I guess I will leave it at that. I know it is a super super super super super hard time for you and you are trying to hold on tightly.... again, you are in my prayers. What words I do not have, the H.S. has thru me so I will continue to give it to Him!!

Ann said...

I will try to get up and do more inventory/spreadsheets- gotta take Micah to WVa this weekend but maybe Fri night or if I leave forWV Fri I'll come back Sun.

Steve's an expert in airborne contaminants if you want just one more voice sayin your house is contaminated.

Whatever happens,even if it's not the result you want there must be another plan, maybe God really does having something else and somewhere else in mind for you and your mom. I know it seems impossible right now that that can be true because it seems like you'll lose everything but maybe this is the road to something even better, and everythiing will be restored to you in another and better way. Like Job.

vir said...


you are such a dear friend always so supportive, encouraging, and faithful to pray.

I totally understand wanting to help in what seems to be more practical ways but I understand your schedule, job hunt etc.

Its so easy to think that the practical (which is a huge blessing and I so appreciate everything) is somehow more valid then prayer and encouragement ~ that is so not true everyone helps us so much and God seems to orchestrate what we need at just the right moment to lift us up and give us hope.

You are a treasure!

~ Love you ~

vir said...


thanks so much could use the help i have to pull all the bills together out of the room of shame before we can do anything so after Wednesday - although if this gets thrown out who knows?

hey is Steve certified in air born contaminants? if so is he considered a specialist in that field, would be great to let a potential lawyer know we have a potential expert witness willing to volunteer their time....

Job hummm seems to me he is my new best friend ~ I don't know how he ever survived there are days it is so overwhelming and we have lost NOTHING in comparison.

Thank you for your prayer and support!