Tuesday, June 15, 2004


Mom sick all day today, I spent the day on the phone playing phone tag with doctor’s legal aid and fed funding reps. Worried about mom, questioning her release from the hospital. Questioning the layers withdraw from mold hell, what did we do what didn’t we do what WILL we do? Anxious about the hearing confused depressed, not productive, not sleeping - I hate this!

Something’s got to give, we need a miracle we need direction we need to learn the lesson and move on. Time seems to speed forward we are caught in a vortex nothing is really happening or getting done. At times I envy those who seem to have everything together there lives touched by simplicity everything at there fingertips the only stress what to wear or where to send the kids to school next year, not that I personally know any of these charmed souls LOL! Maybe they are fiction too maybe they don’t really exist, another elusion to distract us from reality and turn us from truth?

My friend entered a nursing home while my mom was in the hospital, the biopsy negative her first order of business, take off the damn patch and start smoking again! Gods grace was poured upon her once again and she spit at it, I hate her a little for that but in the same breath I recant and realize I cannot hate her but I desperately want to... Maybe that would make it easier, hate her for her destructive tendencies I don’t want to watch her do this, do we blame it on addiction or the choice - should we blame at all?

Her family thinks I am over reacting maybe I am but it just doesn’t seem right to continue and know the benign tumor could become cancer in her throat at any moment! What brings a person to self destruction to self hatred what does it take to value the life we have with all its cruelty and beauty? A friend told me once I had too many friends and loved too deeply the numbers have dwindled considerably in the end who will be left?


Ann said...

Your friend is right; you do have a lot of friends and you do seem to get so attached, it's like you just truly love EVERYONE. But consider it a gift and not a burden to be ABLE to love so many people. A lot of people don't.
I know by now it's kind of cliche but St. Francis of Assisi did say, and it's best to remember: God grant me the courage to change the things I can, serenity to accept the things I can't, and wisdom to know the difference.
You cannot control your friend's smoking. She is a grown woman and the decision to smoke is hers, darn that free will, but Vir I know your prayers are SO earnest and you have counseled me the same in the past, you are doing what you can, you've done all you can do, you can't do any more. Please relax and have peace in that.

vir said...

You were (are) that friend. Its not about controlling it is about me being pissed off and needing the freedom to be angry at the stupidity of her decision no matter what people think of me thus i am a naked judgmental B- i- A -tch!

vir said...
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Anonymous said...

I wondered if all was not well despite your mom being home :( I'm here for you if you need....
