Monday, June 28, 2004

The Notebook

Spent most of the day on the phone again today searching for solutions not one person returned a call, it was frustrating. Don't get to see the potential rental, after talking it over with my friend I realize the likelihood of it being handicapped accessible is extremely small.

Plans to go see my fav band Over the Rhine were dashed Fri night had a little pity party then decided to shrug it off and have fun with Kimmy. Spent a wonderful night with her fam at the movies and dinner. We went to see The Notebook it is probably considered a chick flick, not my fav type of movie at least not the commercial ones. This however was different, it is one of the most beautiful movies I have seen in a long time the cinematography was exceptional, the story beautiful.

It really made me think about life and love and the depths that two people can love, something I avoid thinking about too much. It was about a powerful passionate love Something I have a hard time believing in although I know it can exist from a time long ago in a land far far away lost and forgotten...

When you see a movie like this it is so easy to just chalk it us as fantasy like the happily ever after it seems serial like it could never really happen in real life. But then you see a look pass between a young couple or an older one married for 50 years and it's not so hard to believe More could be said this is just not the day to say it....


Anonymous said...

Take care of him. Don't let him hate me forever.

Anonymous said...

Hey Virgi,
You Ok? How are things?