Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Farmers Market

Very busy day back to the farmers market yesterday nice to see a few old friends, overall an ok turnout hopefully it will continue to grow in vendors and sales. Not looking forward to the new stricter guidelines for being at market when it opens at 7:30 AM on Sat I have always slept in and made it to market by 8-9 in the past. I wanna midnight market; 8pm to mid sounds good why everything has to start so early is beyond me! :)

Still battling with my mind and will what should I do what shouldn’t I do, this Is rare for me, not that I always know what the right thing to do is but I am usually more at peace about things then of late. It's probably due to the stress in my life I am confident I will be directed down the right path but I may have to wait a while longer for direction.

The mold thing is taking me to new levels of stress another dream about it last night lawyer still not returning calls, I really don't want to call him today but I have to, It's really taking its toll on my mom and I we really can't hold out much longer. God has never failed us He never will, I continue to hold on to "He will never leave you or forsake you" trouble is I get caught up in my time and forget He is sitting beside me and drying the tears hurting for a world who thinks freedom is doing everything there way as they worship the almighty dollar. I really don’t know how insurance adjusters and insurance law makers sleep at night.

I need a serious vacation it needs to include a beach, book, and good music. I have always been wired to go on vacation and do and see everything I physically can with little relaxation, or hang with friends and do the fam thing. Not sure if I could pull off hanging out at the beach I usually walk it wade in it sit down only for short breaks. I would love to give it a try I am beginning to envy "Type B" personalities a bit. whenever I see a commercial for vacations that show a couple at a cabana sipping drinks with little parasols, walking on moon lit beaches and ending with a hammock with another drink with a parasol of course - I think gosh don't they get bored! :) But maybe they don't since it is usually a couple, cute cabana boy anyone...LOL

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