Friday, June 04, 2004

The Fantasy Cont....

Writing too much crap in this blog of late, but I wanted to continue the vacation fantasy - maybe I need too in order to keep my sanity. Ok I have already decided the vacation will include a beach a book and good music but it should also be in or near a spa. I am thinking full body massage daily, a sea weed wrap to flush out the toxins, um and a little too much water weight :) heck a whole makeover would be nice to... The idea, come back totally refreshed, relaxed and more confident, Hey maybe a fat farm to loose 20 pounds, LOL! It sounds like a nice fantasy but rally any trip away from the madness would help. Still fantasizing about that European trip occasionally or any other exciting place off this continent and away from stress, hey I can justify frivolity in the midst of financial ruin - just try me :)


Anonymous said...

Ok first of all, your blog entries are NOT crap! (oh, and hello by the way! =D and second of all... your vaca. fantasy sounds absolutely wonderful!! I have never been to a spa all day and gotten the works... had "A" massage ONCE... I would love to go to Florida this summer for like 4-5 days or something... I mean if one could find a cheaply rated hotel (I have Entertainment book and there is Orbitz, etc) then it would be awesome... of course we'd need $$ for gas to drive down and food $$... I know $$ on both of our ends is tight... (specially with me having to start paying more for ins. in July.... but it is worth dreamin' 'bout.... and even slightly possibly thinkin' 'bout.... the beach is free... girl you could sit down there everyday!! =D Ahh... I so wish you could get this vaca. you so desperately need! Anyhoo, it is quite the shot in the dark.... if I had tons o' money though, I'd take us both down for a week... I would love to do this for ya, but of course, funds do not allow for me to get 2 parties down... (let alone probably one unless I do some major math work and get it squared away....) Maybe we could plan for next summer to do something, but then I know you have lot's of funds to tend too... just thought if I could save up some $$$ for next year... and you got some.... but then as I said, I know it is not just so easy for you to do that.... well, again, one can dream... so keep the dream alive cuz' it be happenin' sometime girlfriend!! Love ya sweetie!! =D <>< EM

Anonymous said...

just testing

Anonymous said...

trying to send a comment but it doesn't wanna send! =(

Ann said...

Still want to do the Thelma and Louise thing. We could go to Siesta Key and just hang at the beach all day. Oh, and the previous commenter, you too. We should all go. Very soon, maybe end of July or in August?

Anonymous said...

Yeah Ann....that soundz sooo kewl!! I would so love to take a mini vaca.... ahh..... =) EM

Ann said...

Couple of months ago the family and I went to a lot of fun places all over Florida ending up in Key Largo. And the KIDS requested (can ya believe it) the KIDS requested skipping Disneyworld. So...we skipped Disneyworld. We went to a campground in a huge cypress forest and floated down a river, went to some Gulf keys (Howard Beach, Siesta Key Beach- perfect white sand like powder), then through the swamp (stopped and watched alligators) to Key Largo (scuba mecca). I recommend for US...Siesta Key...great place and lotsa little mom&pop fish restaurants and some sort of bohemian restaurants too for some great atmosphere. Let's go!

vir said...


You are too sweet for words, if I had the money I would do the same :) It would be great to soak in the sun with a good friend and enjoy all of Gods beauty, of which you are a huge part! Thank you :)



vir said...

Siesta Key sounds beautiful my fantisy spot of late is the Bahamas, Turtle Cay also saw a travel thing for a spa in Hawaii on Maui that sounds great. heck so does key largo bohemian shops and restaurants what on earth would i do with myself heheeh! :)i am all about Thelma and Louise except for the drive into oblivion, rather let God stay in charge of that event ;)

love & Blessings,


Um. Lets pray for a financial miracle so we don't have to rob anyone hehehe :)

BTW - sorry you are having trial with BLOG i think they are still working a few kinks out...

Anonymous said...

OK, I am so there... white sandy beaches?!!?!?! WOOHOO!! Um... we always go to Sanibel, Florida which is absolutely gorgeous as well... yes, financial miracles would be awesome so we could go and just chill... love Maui, Hawaii as well, but that would be a boat load more than Florida... at least with certain parts of Florida we could still drive down and not loose our minds!! Me, Darin and my friend Amy (the one who hosted the shower for Elena) went to Panama City Beach (which we later found out was party city) and we drove there... had a blast driving down together though... I am so ready for a beach and a good friend! =D

EM :-) <><

Ahhh... one can dream!

Ann said...

Not so impossible. My Corolla gets good mileage. We can share a hotel room. Food can be as cheap or costly as you make it. Personally I'm OK with lunchmeat sandwiches. I just need my Diet Dew. I'm pretty low maintenance.